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Work Portfolio

Berkshire Museum Website

The, a leading regional institution in the Berkshires, approached at Studio Two to design a new website. They needed the site to be cross-platform, easily managed, compelling to visitors, and affordable.

Time, budget, branding – the site provided a number of the usual challenges. By working in a flexible “live” development area with museum staff and leadership we were able to rapidly develop, prototype and build out the site with consensus and accuracy.

The site build focused on rapid deployment with available commercial tools and design elements. The site was built in wordpress, incorporates theme elements from leading theme developer, and incorporates a number of elements that we have been finding really accelerate deployment, management and effectiveness of sites, including event management, custom post elements, effective use of post categories, and other techniques. In particular, the calendar tools generates a public .ics feed compatible with google calendar and other calendaring tools, allowing us to embed the Berkshire Museum events into other regional sites we manage, such as the one at

The New England Museum Association (NEMA) recently awarded the website first place as the best website for an institution with a budget over $1Million.